About Me

My photo
Residing in Santa Fe,NM USA. I'm the living incarnation of the last unicorn. I hold attachments to loved ones / friends and still practice gadget greed . If you can't tell, I love to ride my bike and aspire someday to be a dharma practitioner.

Thursday, February 16, 2012

Grab n a Cinelli

I put this together to share with Betterdays Facebook friends and for those who couldn't make it.

This is a glimpse of the film I've been working on since last October about Tom Frost starting up a coffee shop.

Tuesday, January 24, 2012


Back in November I called up Tom and said Hey,Man there's a Dorito super bowl commercial contest and I was wondering if you would be my talent ? Tom being the sport he is said come on over, I'm at the coffee shop painting. I grabbed my camera and on the way over came up with a concept for the shoot. Well, that day old Tom decided to be uncooperative and just wasn't going to give me a performance. Because of this I knew I better capture this shit fast or he is going to bail out on me.
So BAM , I was like hey here's the idea; you slam your foot shutting the garage door and reach in to your ice box and use the frozen dorito's to soothe your aching foot.This was shot, edited and sent in to the contest in about 4 hours. Next contest I need to think about a little longer and come up with something a little better than this. School is in session so I'll be posting up more vids as I make them and hopefully start doing a more short films on bicycling.

Saturday, January 21, 2012

Like Rock n Roll

One way to cure some mid winter boredom. 

The Enduro is back and after a few years off , divorces and a lot of drinking Tom Frost (pictured above) and I decided it was time to bring it back. We now have a legit space since Tom opened up his coffee chop Link to Betterday coffee shop. No more hiding out in parking lots and worrying about cops busting us.

What's in my audio player,well, I'm glad you asked.

'nuff said

Sunday, September 4, 2011

I like bike

As an intern you most do things others can't.

Saturday, June 11, 2011

bombala siva shankar ke jay ahr ahr maha dav

Jays memorial ride. Tears come to my eyes when I watch this while drinking a margarita.

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Did you miss me

expectations reveal disappointment
and feelings of empty
wanting reveals conformity
often mistaken as weakness