About Me

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Residing in Santa Fe,NM USA. I'm the living incarnation of the last unicorn. I hold attachments to loved ones / friends and still practice gadget greed . If you can't tell, I love to ride my bike and aspire someday to be a dharma practitioner.

Monday, April 12, 2010

Nice Temps.

If my words could flow...
Run off backside of Dorthy Stewart trail.
Got a ride in with Matt and Tim on the Dale Ball's trail the other day.Nice flowing single track can put me in good spirits.
 get ready to roll.
Some sweet trail.
Nice views of Santa Fe too.
inorganic sky.
You know the chem. trails produced by aircraft.One day I heard this whole dialogue on how nothing can be grown or labeled organic as long as we have planes polluting the skies . You be the judge ,
You may ask ,what's in my audio player or you may not? The answer  HOLY FUCK at least check them out.


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