About Me

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Residing in Santa Fe,NM USA. I'm the living incarnation of the last unicorn. I hold attachments to loved ones / friends and still practice gadget greed . If you can't tell, I love to ride my bike and aspire someday to be a dharma practitioner.

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Hockey on bikes

Flying his colors on the Chamiza. Bill is super self conscience slave to fashion when it comes to trail clothes,that explains the Steal your Face hockey jersey with the kick boxing shorts over his  lycra.
Starting out on the Chamiza we ran into this guy .
Steal your face, Robert  .Soon as Robert split ,Bill asked me, was that a Bandolero cause he has a Turner?LMAO.
My first Dead show was right out of High school .A summer job gave me some spending money, a friend had a chevette and we had tickets to Rochester,Foxboro and Philly.After the second show the LSD no longer would kick in, so, I  abandoned ship out of sober boredom.Gave my remaining ticket to my friends to do with what they wanted . And waited for my crazy hot girl friend who was a  exchange student to come home from Denmark.No boredom with her,she came back with a case of psychofrenia multi personality weirdness. You see, she was the reincarnation of George Harrison's girlfriend when he was a teenager ."You know,before he was famous that's why you never heard of her {umhem cough}, I mean me ",she would explain and then break into this cockney/U.K. accent when the other side came out { I'm not making this shit up}. I was young and could tolerate her harmless craziness in exchange for some ass ... I had the patience of a saint .--* note to self * crazy gf story for future. 
The Hockey player coming up {s.t.i.l.} meadow. stil = Steeper than it Looks

Bottom left sacred mandala of the Winsor Trail . Top left Whats left of a Bobcat was hanging on a Ponderosa near the Winsor / Borrego intersection.
Me trying not to over shoot the corner.

That grin says it all,I think he's planning to give me a body check /round house kick combo.

Well on that note

1 comment:

Jim Beam said...

Great pics and write-up Mark. The link to the Bando pic was hilarious!