About Me

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Residing in Santa Fe,NM USA. I'm the living incarnation of the last unicorn. I hold attachments to loved ones / friends and still practice gadget greed . If you can't tell, I love to ride my bike and aspire someday to be a dharma practitioner.

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Glory eta in December

Nice ride up Glorieta Baldy and then descending apache canyon and eventually popping out on old Santa Fe trail via the Santa Fe secret trail. Unseasonable warmth has lingered through December in the region.

Issac,Anthony,Tim climbing up the road.
Then peaking at Glorieta tower.

or in black and white
some shenanigans 

Then it was time to descend
Tim on the Apache Canyon side of the mountain.
Views are great while going down to Santa Fe.

a short break along the secret trail.
Was a great day to hang with friends and get in a few hours of riding.

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