About Me

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Residing in Santa Fe,NM USA. I'm the living incarnation of the last unicorn. I hold attachments to loved ones / friends and still practice gadget greed . If you can't tell, I love to ride my bike and aspire someday to be a dharma practitioner.

Friday, May 28, 2010

A Fresh few Haiku s

#1; The five seven five is a natural rthym for my simple mind

#38; Mid afternoon nap makes heavy body weightless i sink to feel flight

#31; Spring fever kills me with its beautiful flowers pollen dust and wind

#05; Why would i want help from an idiot like you who lacks awareness

Haiku #25. Early morning bike thru the Tenderloin Fast down hill saves my white ass

photo credit goes to Jay Stolpestad.
and in the end some Henry Rollins

Monday, May 24, 2010

under my covers

i caught a Wicked ass cold .If this combo doesn't work next step is the docs office.. ....I could just be a pussy, cause I haven't had a cold in half a decade. Guess lady luck ran out . Fuck it who needed her anyways, I'm  better off alone, feeling like shit and drunk. I'm  coming around to think, if  I feel like shit and I'm drunk ,must be the combo  kicking in.