About Me

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Residing in Santa Fe,NM USA. I'm the living incarnation of the last unicorn. I hold attachments to loved ones / friends and still practice gadget greed . If you can't tell, I love to ride my bike and aspire someday to be a dharma practitioner.

Sunday, March 7, 2010

My mind goes blank

First of all I think Barry is too smart for the job.
Man, I could really use that health care plan that you were talking about.Every doctor visit for me is paid for with cold hard cash out of my pocket.Yeah,NM has a state health care system for its citizens .Last time I applied, I was denied 'cause they were not accepting any new applicants.Fuck me too...anyways I could take stabs at the obvious,I'll leave that to the media.Any idiot can point out the bullshit and cry.moving right along
Blue Tape art by yours truly

Audio Break
The last ride
started out along a side road
then to HWY.14

Santa Fe State  Prison and Movie set also a working prison . Full to capacity

Is that a white Buffalo?

Bonanza Creek Rd.


1 comment:

Isaac said...

i like that blue tape art...!
When's the basketball wall party?