About Me

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Residing in Santa Fe,NM USA. I'm the living incarnation of the last unicorn. I hold attachments to loved ones / friends and still practice gadget greed . If you can't tell, I love to ride my bike and aspire someday to be a dharma practitioner.

Friday, April 2, 2010

Fuck me if I can't take a joke

Lilac buds
gophers helping with aerating the veggy garden.
I've been trying to set up my printer and it did not come with a USB cable. Son of a bitch,a trip to office depot is in demand ,hope it feels like that stupid progressive commercial .Where the lady with too much make up  comes out and assists you.Oh the joy.
 Oriental poppy.
 Soon as I get the printer set up I can fill out the fit form for my bike being built by Walt up in Boulder.Talk about anticipation waiting six months for the bike to be designed,welded,painted and put together.Well worth it .If I wanted one built any faster I could of gone to another builder like Strong or Retrotec.I chose Walt because of his no nonsense building philosophy and he rides the same trails I ride.Plus its lo key enough of a builder I won't look like a MOOTS douche.Don't get me wrong I know a really nice guy who rides a moots,only one.All the rest who ride a muuts are tools, what?
Tulips coming up between the lavender.
Now ,I just have to recover from my groin pull that occurred on Saturday while standing on my pedals going up a hill.Recovering on a daily basis and haven't done anything but effortless town pedaling since.I hope to get back at it this weekend.Wait and see.

Columbine waking up.

soil microbes at work right after snow has melted. Cool stuff.
My new favorite beer from Great Divide Brewery


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